Little Tanning Dress recently received the 'Tick of Approval' from Styling you blogger Nikki Parkinson. She wrote about the 15 Best Fake Tan Tips for 2016 to ensure you get the best fake tan possible. Little Tanning Dress was certainly the most popular solution to ensure you don't rub or smudged your tan. Please read below about how 'Little Tanning Dress' can help you and your tan!
- Take dark, loose clothing to change into after your tan. Oh and leave the bra and undies off. They will just rub off what’s been sprayed on. A long Kaf.Tanned kaftan has been my saviour in this department. I simply slip this on, head straight home and wait out the two hours until I can shower and dress normally. I’ve now started using this dress from Little Tanning Dress.